Big Data, Bitcoin and flummoxed regulators all get an airing in this latest Andreessen interview by Bloomberg. I particulalry enjoyed the quote "But think about the scenario of a loan officer talking to a prospective client. To software people, that looks like voodoo."
“There is a growing idea in Silicon Valley that there are sources of data on consumer behavior we can use to predict creditworthiness. These will be completely different than the traditional approach to credit ratings, which are tremendously imprecise and ‘laggy.’ PayPal can do a real-time credit score in milliseconds, based on your EBay (EBAY) purchase history -- and it turns out that’s a better source of information than the stuff used to generate your FICO score. ‘‘The hypothesis is that there are many other similar sources of consumer data: credit card bills, social-network behavior, potentially even search history. Lots of people, both in the big Internet companies and at startups, are trying to get at these large pools of data and figure out new ways to do scoring. What they all have in common is that they are all being done outside of banks. ‘‘The minute any of these new credit vehicles can show any level of repeatability and reliability, the hedge funds come in and provide the funding. Hedge funds are very comfortable with analytic models. If you have sufficient stability, you can get leverage.’’